Thursday, January 15, 2009

More details on QE2 conversion in Dubai

Further details have been revealed by the new owners of QE2, Dubai’s QE2 Enterprises, about the vessel’s conversion into a floating hotel and leisure complex. However, they still refuse to confirm that the vessel will be cut in two and lengthened by 30m!

QE2 Enterprises’ CEO Manfred Ursprunger said that the conversion could take as long as three years to complete. All public areas of the ship will be re-built, as well as all cabins and suites, resulting in 200 hotel rooms of 50 sq m, plus 110 apartments ranging in size from 86 sq m to 250 sq m. The vessel’s engineroom will be transformed into a 500-seat Theatre.
Leisure facilities will include a 5,000 sq m indoor/outdoor health and wellness centre, while celebrity chef Michel Roux will oversee the menus of the five new restaurants onboard the vessel. The bridge, Captain’s cabin, and Princess Grill will be kept as is, forming part of the Cunard heritage trail that visitors to the ship can follow. Sphere: Related Content