Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New restrictions for Antarctic cruises

Mandatory rules just agreed by the Governments signatory to the Antarctic Treaty will prohibit cruise ships carrying more than 500 passengers from landing in Antarctica. The treaty Governments meeting in Baltimore, USA, also agreed to restrict the number of passengers that could be ashore at any one time to just 100. 

Recent incidents in Antarctica, including the sinking of the small expedition cruise vessel Explorer and the grounding of cruise vessels Lybov Orlova and Nordkapp, have highlighted the potential dangers of cruise tourism to the fragile eco-system in the region. 

Tourism in the Antarctic has doubled every five years over the past decade. In the 2008-2009 summer season more than 38,000 tourists travelled to Antarctica, the vast majority by cruise ships. Figures for the 2009-2010 season are expected to see a further increase to 43,000.

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