Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Colombia/U.S. Operation Nets Historic Amount of Smuggled Cash

We've had a few posts (here, here, here) about Colombian authorities recently seizing millions of dollars in U.S. currency smuggled in shipping containers from Mexico to the Colombian port of Buenaventura. Now the U.S. DHS is touting the role of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the investigation, as well as the total in confiscated U.S. dollars being "the largest container bulk cash smuggling seizure in ICE, U.S. and Colombian history." The total so far is $40.5 million and "counting".
While authorities in both countries have not publicly revealed whether or not they know exactly who is trying to smuggle the money from Mexico to Colombia, it is quite obvious that the cash is tied up with narcotics trafficking.

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