Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Conservation Group Identifies 10 Rivers in Danger

United States — Leading conservation organization American Rivers, has released its annual list of the most endangered rivers in the nation. Threats to these vital waterways come from a host of ailments including dams, flooding, development, industry and mining.
1. America's Most Endangered Rivers
2. Sacramento-San Joaquin River System (CA)
3. Flint River (GA)
4. Lower Snake River (ID, OR, WA)
5. Mattawoman Creek (MD)
6. North Fork of the Flathead River (MT)
7. Saluda River (SC)
8. Laurel Hill Creek (PA)
9. Beaver Creek (AK)
10. Pascagoula River (MS)
11. Lower St. Croix National Scenic Riverway (MN, WI)

From CNN:

"The report is not a list of the nation's most polluted waterways, but highlights 10 rivers facing decisions in the coming year that could determine their future."

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