Thursday, April 23, 2009

U.S. Coast Guard Improvement Projects Get $240 Million

 U.S. DHS Secretary Napolitano announced today (4/20) that a series of U.S. Coast Guard projects will be funded by an infusion of $240 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). In general the money will be allocated as follows:
$142 million will be used to fund bridge alteration projects on the Mobile Bridge in Hurricane, AL; the EJ&E Bridge in Devine, Il.; the Burlington Bridge in Burlington, Iowa; and the Galveston Causeway Railroad Bridge in Galveston.
$88 million will help fund construction of Coast Guard housing in Corpus Christi, TX, and Jacksonville, FL, as well as shore infrastructure projects in Oregon, Washington, Alaska, North Carolina, Virginia and Delaware.
$10 million will go towards upgrading or replacing worn or obsolete components on the Coast Guard's 12 high-endurance cutters homeported in Seattle, Alameda, Kodiak, Honolulu, San Diego and Charleston.

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