Monday, April 6, 2009

Special Report on Hawaii Cruise

As a treat to Off Radar readers we bring you direct access to the details of a  special Hawaii Cruise Industry Study, that was conducted to assess the cumulative impacts and benefits of the cruise industry for all Islands comprising the Hawaii projected out to the year 2018. The study was specifically created for the State of Hawaii (including the 4 agencies led by the Hawaii Tourism Authority (Momi Akimseu) and the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (Pearl Imada Iboshi). A team of consultants led by ICF International and supported by Harbour Mastery (Progress International partners) designed and conducted the study for the use of policymakers featuring professionally compiled information to facilitate future decision making. 

With 360 vision the study carried out over 275 interviews with cruise lines, port staff, service providers, tourism businesses, recreational harbor users, environmental groups, government agencies and others related workers over the course of a year from 11/2007 to 12/2008. 

In essence The study determined that the direct costs of cruise tourism statewide, including the impact on air quality, airports, state parks, ports and harbors and vehicle trips amounted to less than $3.3 million per year. In reality the cruise industry imposes other costs to the state, but because of data limitations the study team was not able to estimate dollar values for these costs. Such impacts were described in depth in other modules of the study however. In balance and contrast it was learned that the cruise industry provided for direct benefits to the Hawaii State amounting to $475.4 million on average per year. This benefit stems from the increase in economic activity generated by the cruise industry, as measured by GRP. 

To download the report go tockick the Hawaii Cruise Photo right.

Grant Holmes

Off Radar, Publisher

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