The Asvaco Port Facility Security Assessment solution is the most comprehensive available, and is based 100% on 33 CFR 105. Using Asvaco's web-based assessment tool, you can easily maintain and automatically produce the FSA and FSP to meet MTSA, TWIC and ISPS compliance. The Asvaco System will automatically generate the mitigations identified in the facility security assessments (FSA) and security vulnerability assessments (SVA). Additionally, the Asvaco System automatically builds and populates Appendix A to Part 105 -- Facility Vulnerability and Security Measures Summary (Coast Guard Form CG-6025/6025A).
Asvaco Port Facility Security Advantage
The Asvaco System provides both efficiency and a cost advantage to the Facility or Vessel organization. This ensures that however the assessment is being done, either the ASVACO Team, the Security Officer (FSO) or Vessel Security (VSO), will be able to prepare and revise security plans, develop countermeasures to prevent security events, evaluate TWIC related requirements, improve emergency preparedness, develop security guidance documents, conduct training to strengthen post-event mitigation, and assist clients with selection and implementation of appropriate countermeasures.
The Asvaco System is also available completely web based and deployed over the internet (secured, encrypted, and PCII compliant). In addition, the Asvaco System gives you the ability to complete the security system over the Internet saving both time and additional cost.
The Asvaco System enables the user to get the job done efficiently and faster. The ASVACO Team or Security Officer can assign up to ten other team members to help collect data and answer questions. This unique "Force Multiplier" feature allows for instant access by your command center, supervisors, and security personnel to properly deploy human and physical security resources based upon probable threats or breaches.
Written for consistency with stringent guidelines, the auto-generation of the assessment project report is a tremendous time saver. As a 'living document', assessment reports for the FSA and FSP can be updated any time there are changes to the facility. The report may also be updated, as desired, to augment the content for use by different officials and recipients.
Asvaco's comprehensive approach provides a powerful and affordable software system that integrates with the Security Officer's mission of providing a holistic security solution to meet both FSA and FSP requirements.
The Security Officer and other officials can easily determine security gaps that require attention through visual color coding that is aligned with the threat-level system adopted by the Department of Homeland Security or any other regulatory organization.
The Asvaco System allows the facility or any user the ability to incorporate their mission specific questions along with the regulatory requirements to create an assessment that is tailored to their specific needs.
Affordable price: If executed online by the user, the annual subscription is $2500 per individual assessment, which includes as-needed assessment updates. Sphere: Related Content
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