Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Recession beaters in focus at influential Interferry forum

Strategies to overcome global economic strife will dominate Interferry’s 34th annual conference this year, which takes place in Istanbul, Turkey between 14-17 October. Highlighting the credit crunch and Istanbul’s bridgehead position between Europe and Asia, the conference theme is ‘At the crossroads – choosing the best route through challenging times.’

Major sessions of the conference will address a range of recession-driven issues. A guide to surviving financial meltdown will include banking, ferry operator and oil industry insights; managing risk will be assessed from legal and insurance aspects; and an IT session – practical applications for making money – will feature software solutions for revenue management/forcasting and asset tracking.

The conference is due to open with a welcome from the Turkish premier and a keynote address from the Turkish transport minister. This will be followed by a review of urban ferry innovations in Istanbul, Nigeria, London and Hong Kong and insights on emerging markets in the Black Sea, the Red Sea, Oman and Iran. 

Further details on the conference are available at www.interferry.com Sphere: Related Content