Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Celebrity Equinox leaves Meyer Werft

Celebrity Cruises’ latest vessel, the 1,425 passenger capacity Celebrity Equinox, has left her building berth at Meyer Werft in Papenburg, Germany, and is set to sail down the River Ems on 19 or 20 June for final sea trails. She will then sail for the UK’s leading cruise ship port of Southampton and is scheduled to arrive on 19 July for MCA inspections etc, prior to hosting a series of special events for press, travel agents and consumers from Southampton from 23-31 July.  

Celebrity Equinox, the second in the line’s five Solstice-class fleet, will sail on her maiden fare paying passenger voyage from Southampton on 31 July. This summer the vessel will undertake a series of ‘Ancient Empires’ and other European itineraries from Southampton and Civitavecchia, Italy, followed by 10 and 11-night ‘Ultimate Caribbean’ cruises from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, beginning in November. Sphere: Related Content